OK, so I did say that the next blog would be part 2 of the Dog Delusion, but I havent got that one edited into shape yet, and Im afraid I have to tell the world about how flippin awesome the meal I just made was (in all deference, modesty and humility of course).
Defrost some chicken breasts for 5 or 6 hours on a plate in the kitchen (probably one per person).
Put them in an oven-able container submerged in water and then cook them at 180 for an hour (make sure they are well and truly submerged because they will burn otherwise).
Wash a jacket spud for everyone who will be eating and stab each one viciously with a fork a few times on each side, then put them on an oven tray and in the oven at 180 also, for an hour.
When the hour is up, put the spuds on the bottom shelf, and take the chicken out.
Cut the chicken into pieces, however big or small, it mattereth not.
Pour enough cheap single or double cream to cover the chicken into a sauce pan, and cut up a small-med block of white stilton into there too. Then slosh in some cheap white wine. Heat it until the cheese melts, put the chicken in, turn the heat down and let it simmer for a bit.
Heat some veggies in the microwave, and take the spuds out of the oven.
Put the chicken, jacket potato and veggies (I went for carrots) onto the plate, cut the tatties open, then cover the whole lot in the stilton-wine sauce, and robert's your father's brother! A dead easy meal, which tastes delicious, and passed the Sydney taste-test tonight!
Defrost some chicken breasts for 5 or 6 hours on a plate in the kitchen (probably one per person).
Put them in an oven-able container submerged in water and then cook them at 180 for an hour (make sure they are well and truly submerged because they will burn otherwise).
Wash a jacket spud for everyone who will be eating and stab each one viciously with a fork a few times on each side, then put them on an oven tray and in the oven at 180 also, for an hour.
When the hour is up, put the spuds on the bottom shelf, and take the chicken out.
Cut the chicken into pieces, however big or small, it mattereth not.
Pour enough cheap single or double cream to cover the chicken into a sauce pan, and cut up a small-med block of white stilton into there too. Then slosh in some cheap white wine. Heat it until the cheese melts, put the chicken in, turn the heat down and let it simmer for a bit.
Heat some veggies in the microwave, and take the spuds out of the oven.
Put the chicken, jacket potato and veggies (I went for carrots) onto the plate, cut the tatties open, then cover the whole lot in the stilton-wine sauce, and robert's your father's brother! A dead easy meal, which tastes delicious, and passed the Sydney taste-test tonight!
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