Today I was working on a project which has kept me busy for nearly 3 months now... the compiling of the 4 gospels into a chronological harmonised account, with repeats removed.
The project is nearing completion for the World English Bible version, which is a modern version with no archaic language, and so I have been very heavily involved in the gospel texts for ages... submerged in them, if you will.
Today as I was working through some of the latter parts of the story of Jesus' life, especially the scenes from the Passover at Jerusalem where he keeps getting up in public and totally owning the Pharisees in debate, I was just struck by such an overwhelming sense of pride and admiration. I am so very proud to be a follower of this man, he is cool.
I am someone who likes to cause a bit of a ruckus sometimes, I enjoy a bit of controversy and being provocative, and I have huge admiration for anyone who will stand up with some fire in their belly and tell people exactly how it is whether they like it or not, whether it will make them popular or not. I find Jesus' just complete disregard for the opinion of those with power inspiring, hilarious, and awesome. I want to be like that.