I had 4 wisdom teeth and 1 other tooth out a week ago and am now in constant discomfort as my gums tickle and hurt constantly, incessantly, all the live long day. Wow it is infuriating. I was lucky enough to find an audio bible online for free a few days ago and it seems to be the rare thing that alleviates the irritation. Refreshing, and calming. There is something supernatural, something more than just the meaning and surface text of the words of the bible, the words of God. They contain healing.
Perhaps a clue as to how and why God's remedies are not 'instant gratification' can be seen woven into the very fabric of the world we inhabit.
Genesis: 1 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
We can see in Genesis that God made the land, the soil, the dirt, but said 'let the land produce vegetation". God did not make plants and stick them in the ground, that was the ground's responsibility, if you will. Not that I'm saying the ground has a personality, or a brain that can conceive of its responsibility to produce vegetation, its just that God made the ground filled with the potential to create plants. In the same way God created man filled with potential. We have doctors who prescribe drugs which bring relief. God made man loaded with the potential to learn about himself and also made the ground loaded with the potential to produce all kinds of plant life.
God created the man who produced healing remedies through the things present in the earth, such as the plants which the ground produced, which God provided. So in the bigger picture, God really did provide the healing and does so every day. All medical knowledge is made possible because God made us that way. All medicine is available because God made the ground which produces it.
Sometimes we wish the healing would be instant and 'signs and wonders'ish. I pretty much always wish that. But God knows best, and I look upon doctors and medicine as an incredible gift of God and example of how God has provided for our healing and recovery.
It is not a lack of faith to go to a doctor for physical healing instead of persevering with lots and lots of prayer, because doctors are the gift of God.
A mans town was about to flood, and he was warned by the police to evacuate as soon as possible, but, being a devout, faith-filled Christian he said, "Im not going anywhere, I trust God to save me". And so the flood came, and the man clambered onto his roof. The water was up to the 2nd floor. A rescue boat came by and called out to him to come aboard, but he refused help again, saying 'God will save me". In no time the bottom half of his roof was covered in water and he was perched on the top. A helicopter came down and dropped a rope, telling him to come aboard, but he gave them the same answer as the others. Eventually the waves overtook him and he drowned. In heaven he asked God, "I trusted you to save me! What happened?" and God replied "I sent you a policeman, a rescue boat and a helicopter, what more could you want?"
The man on the roof is the man waiting for a supernatural healing, and the cop, the boat, and the helicopter are the doctors. God provides for us, but often through people. He wrote every book of the bible through people, so why should this be any different?
Genesis: 1 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
We can see in Genesis that God made the land, the soil, the dirt, but said 'let the land produce vegetation". God did not make plants and stick them in the ground, that was the ground's responsibility, if you will. Not that I'm saying the ground has a personality, or a brain that can conceive of its responsibility to produce vegetation, its just that God made the ground filled with the potential to create plants. In the same way God created man filled with potential. We have doctors who prescribe drugs which bring relief. God made man loaded with the potential to learn about himself and also made the ground loaded with the potential to produce all kinds of plant life.
God created the man who produced healing remedies through the things present in the earth, such as the plants which the ground produced, which God provided. So in the bigger picture, God really did provide the healing and does so every day. All medical knowledge is made possible because God made us that way. All medicine is available because God made the ground which produces it.
Sometimes we wish the healing would be instant and 'signs and wonders'ish. I pretty much always wish that. But God knows best, and I look upon doctors and medicine as an incredible gift of God and example of how God has provided for our healing and recovery.
It is not a lack of faith to go to a doctor for physical healing instead of persevering with lots and lots of prayer, because doctors are the gift of God.
A mans town was about to flood, and he was warned by the police to evacuate as soon as possible, but, being a devout, faith-filled Christian he said, "Im not going anywhere, I trust God to save me". And so the flood came, and the man clambered onto his roof. The water was up to the 2nd floor. A rescue boat came by and called out to him to come aboard, but he refused help again, saying 'God will save me". In no time the bottom half of his roof was covered in water and he was perched on the top. A helicopter came down and dropped a rope, telling him to come aboard, but he gave them the same answer as the others. Eventually the waves overtook him and he drowned. In heaven he asked God, "I trusted you to save me! What happened?" and God replied "I sent you a policeman, a rescue boat and a helicopter, what more could you want?"
The man on the roof is the man waiting for a supernatural healing, and the cop, the boat, and the helicopter are the doctors. God provides for us, but often through people. He wrote every book of the bible through people, so why should this be any different?